Truststamp Blogs

How Trust Stamp Biometric MFA Overcome OTP Vulnerabilities

Written by Kinny Chan | Oct 8, 2023 6:56:56 PM



1. Rising Threat Landscape: The article highlights the increasing vulnerabilities of one-time passcodes (OTPs) in the face of sophisticated cyber threats, including phishing campaigns and SIM-swapping.

2. Triple-Factored Security: Trust Stamp introduces a unique Biometric Multi-Factor Authentication system, transcending traditional OTPs by incorporating three distinct authentication factors: a password, device possession, and biometric data.

3. Beyond Defense: Trust Stamp's solution not only offers unparalleled security but also ensures user convenience and regulatory compliance, meeting stringent standards like PSD2 and Strong Customer Authentication.

One-time passcodes (OTPs) are a prevalent authentication method, often heralded for their ability to provide an added layer of security. However, as cyber threats evolve in sophistication, OTPs have become increasingly vulnerable to various attack vectors. Below, we dive into how cybercriminals can compromise these codes, highlighting the pressing need for more robust security measures.


How Do Hackers Intercept One-time Passcodes (OTPs)?

OTPs are susceptible and can be intercepted by hackers in the following ways:

  1. Phishing for OTP: Phishing tactics often mimic legitimate service prompts, deceiving users into willingly sharing their one-time passcodes. This approach leverages social engineering, with attackers creating fake interfaces or alerts prompting users to input their OTP, which the malicious actor then captures.
  2. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: These attacks involve an unauthorized entity intercepting communications between the user and the service provider. By positioning themselves between the two parties, attackers can capture the OTP when transmitted, giving them unauthorized access to the target account.
  3. SIM-Swapping: Cybercriminals, sometimes with insider assistance at telecom companies, can transfer a victim's phone number to a different SIM card. Once this swap is accomplished, attackers can intercept any SMS-based one-time passcodes sent to the victim's number, undermining the security of any accounts protected by this method.
  4. Malware Intrusion: Some malware is designed to read and transmit OTPs from a user's device. Once installed on the device, this malware can automatically capture and send OTPs to the attacker, allowing unauthorized access without the user's knowledge.
  5. Inherent Vulnerabilities: Despite their widespread use, OTPs are not immune to breaches, and their very nature as a transmitted code makes them susceptible to interception. Relying solely on OTPs for security may expose users to potential risks, emphasizing the need for layered, multi-factor authentication.

How to Overcome OTP Authentication Vulnerabilities?

1. Elevating Security With Trust Stamp's Biometric MFA



Traditional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) has long served as a defense against cyber threats. However, as the threat landscape evolves, so too must our defense mechanisms. Trust Stamp’s Biometric MFA offers a holistic solution:

Triple-Layer Authentication: Trust Stamp's unique approach to authentication provides a three-factored security system, elevating traditional methods to ensure the utmost protection for users. By utilizing this trifecta of authentication layers, the platform minimizes vulnerabilities that are present in dual-factor systems.

1. Something You Know (Password)

2. Possession of a Specific Device

3. Something You Are (Biometric data)

The typical authentication factor requires users to input a password, a piece of knowledge only the user should possess. This alone is insufficient for authentication but is the first step that many users are used to. From there, Trust Stamp provides the following two authentication factors:

Typically, a user's smartphone or personal computer. By confirming access to a pre-designated device, the system further validates the user's identity, ensuring that even if someone has stolen login credentials, they can't proceed without the necessary device.  This is where traditional OTP stops.

The pinnacle of Trust Stamp's authentication process harnesses the unique biometric data of an individual, typically facial recognition. This ensures that even if an attacker has a user's password and access to their device, they cannot bypass this final layer without the specific biometric data, offering unprecedented security.  This is the security factor that OTP is missing.

2. The Outcome: Beyond Mere MFA

Adopting Trust Stamp's Biometric MFA isn’t just about complying with industry best practices—it’s about foreseeing the future of cyber threats and being prepared. This approach offers:

  1. Enhanced Security: Biometric MFA closes the loopholes that other authentication methods leave open, ensuring maximum protection.
  2. Password Resets: Biometric Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) introduces a significant advantage when it comes to scenarios like password resets. Traditionally, forgotten passwords can be a weak point in security systems, but with biometric MFA, two robust authentication factors remain: the user's unique facial biometrics and their trusted device. This means that even if a user forgets their password, the combination of their face and device provides a layered security mechanism, ensuring that authentication remains strong and uncompromised, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  3. User Convenience: Users no longer have to remember complex passwords or worry about having codes intercepted. Their unique biometric data provides swift and secure access.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: In today's evolving digital landscape, adhering to stringent regulatory standards such as the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) and its Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements is paramount. With Trust Stamp's biometric Multi-Factor Authentication, businesses meet and surpass these mandates. For instance, the SCA under PSD2 demands at least two independent authentication sources from something the user knows, has, or is. Trust Stamp's solution aligns with these criteria, ensuring businesses remain compliant while providing robust and user-friendly customer protection.


Biometric MFA, as offered by Trust Stamp, presents an opportunity not only to defend but to protect your customers beyond the status quo proactively. 

Ready to fortify your cybersecurity strategy? Contact Trust Stamp now.